Agents Stalk Us Too


All querying writers research potential agents.
Oh? You don’t? tsk tsk
What a naughty, naughty writer.

Submission guidelines and genre preferences are important, but we should totally research, investigate, and weigh our findings against our own personality and professional goals. By learning as much as we can, writers can focus our search on lit agents who would truly make a great fit. There is a lot more to an Author/Agent relationship than simply querying and finding rep. We’re entering into a business partnership. We’re committing to what hopefully will be an LTR. Sure, agents choose wisely. But the writer must also choose that potential partner carefully.

Agency websites give an overview, but they don’t provide the whole picture.  We are responsible for digging deeper: interviews, current clients’ websites, recent deals, rights’ management experience, Twitter feeds, interns’ blogs, etc. Writers can’t just scratch the surface and call it a day. I mean, we can, but if we do, we’re stupid. We should discover all we possibly can and connect the dots. Read between the lines. Make an informed judgment which goes beyond, “OMFG! S/he likes [x]. I write [x]. S/he’s open to submissions.”

We believe most agents research potential clients, right? Recently I discovered this is, indeed, not an urban legend. It is truth. You know how we writers joke about stalking agents online? Well, the road runs both ways. And I’m not just talking about agents checking out blogs/websites and Twitter feeds. If an agent has genuine interest, that fact-finding can expand into indepth, hardcore, hours-long, all-hands-on-deck, digital tunneling, Googling, and breadcrumb following.

Recently, an agent mentioned a part of my web presence which I had totally forgotten about—Authonomy. I posted portions of my first two novels on the site, but Phreak Show doesn’t even exist over there. This agent also mentioned online info which has nothing to do with my writing—business websites, for instance. It didn’t creep me out or make me nervous. What it did do, was enlighten me to the fact that a great agent will be concerned about an author’s public image beyond just his/her writing. A great agent will look for anything and everything a potential reader or publisher could find.

A great agent will stalk you. 

Sobering? Scary? Are you ready for that? How long has it been since you Googled yourself?

18 thoughts on “Agents Stalk Us Too

      • Thanks so much John. I have been stalked twice in my life but by the unwanted type of stalker, not the welcome agent-type! Though I do have an agent waiting for three chapters of Ms Birdsong Investigates, and when I get over the collywobbles and have stopped re-writing etc, I shall summon up the courage and send. There is nothing like fear…..:)


  1. Reblogged this on Max Shields and commented:
    I hope I get stalked some day.
    I mean that in a totally literary sense. Crazy stalkers need not apply. Unless you’re an agent. Then we’ll talk. Just don’t bring duct tape and a shovel. Unless contracts are signed with scraps of tape and buried in the ground. Then bring those, too.

    Confused? The short and sweet of it is that this is a neat piece on the homework that great agents do when considering an author.


  2. Just Googled myself — I officially occupy the top 4 spots, edging out Michelle Proulx from a family care clinic. Woo! … although I’m not sure that’s something I should be proud of, lol.


  3. Pingback: They Will Stalk You | Tricia Drammeh

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